首先,你得 root , 如果没有,那没戏了。

以下原文: How to use crontab in Android?


  • Root access: for superuser commads like reboot, or init.d config. Crond can still run under normal user privs.

  • Busybox: for ‘crond’ service

  • (Optional) init.d support: to start ‘crond’ service at boot. Or start via Magisk post-fs-data.d script.

Creating cronjob

Create the cronjob file in directory /data/crontab/ (it could be any accessible directory even in sdcard) with filename ‘root. Write your cronjob inside the file ‘root’.

echo '53 * * * * reboot' >> /data/crontab/root

Test without rebooting

Now open any terminal emulator in device and run the following commands..

su -
crond -b -c /data/crontab

Now the crond service will start, to check type pgrep -l crond or ps | grep crond

Start crond at boot

create a file at /system/etc/init.d with executable permission:

echo 'crond -b -c /data/crontab' > /system/etc/init.d/crond

chmod +x /system/etc/init.d/crond

Example cronjobs

53 * * * * reboot

Will reboot your device on 53rd minute of every hour.


  1. If you modify crontab, remember to restart crond daemon after killing the existing one.

  2. If the crond is not obeying your timezone, you might need to update the tzdata in your device.

  3. Better to test with */1 * * * * to see if it is working.

因为我没在 /system/etc 目录下找到 init.d , 因此我是这么着的:

echo 'crond -b -c /data/crontab' > /data/adb/service.d/crond

chmod +x /data/adb/service.d/crond

本来吧,我是准备把 crontab 目录放到 SD 卡上的,试了一下,启动的时候识别不到,因此放弃了。

所以,如果你有什么需要在启动的时候运行的话,可以把脚本放在 /data/adb/service.d 或是 /data/adb/post-fs-data.d 目录里面就可以了。

具体可以参考: Magisk: Developer Guides

还有一个详细介绍 Crond 的: How To Add Jobs To cron Under Linux or UNIX

termux 实现应该也是可以的,具体没有试,可以参考: How do I Crontab on Termux..

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